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18 November 2005


Frank - good to hear. I was close friends with Simon and carried the heavy bugger at his service. Still miss him a lot. Was on the memorial trip, but turned back sat morning at Jumbo with an ankle still sore from a wrench in the Havelock a few weeks before. Briefly said 'hello' to you and Honora in the rain and mist. Now that Winter's closing in here in America, I find myself vicariously looking at NZ tramping sites. Keep up the good work.

Hi Frank, have just discovered your site and I hope you don't mind me adding a contribution. I came in from the western side of the range that weekend and had the fire going when you guys arrived in. It was a memorable trip (rare for the most-weekends tararua tramper!) It was probably a fair reflection of Simons contribution to our club in his relatively short time up here that we got about two years worth of carkeek visitors into the hut on one weekend, and in some foul tararua weather at that. You may be interested to know that in December last year Eric, Adrian, Peter Rowe and Malcolm McGechie (who wasn't on the original trip) went into Carkeek and installed the plaque that we had intended to install with you. It was nearly a year ago now and we tramped in "early summer conditions" with 1/2 a foot of snow on top of the Eastern Range! The snow was gone on sunday, but we were reduced to scrabbling in the tussock in blustery winds that drained our energy, a great day to stay in the hut and burn wood and drink brews but the office life doesn't allow these chances easily.

The simple, lovely plaque was still there in febuary when Eric, Peter and I passed through in glorious sunshine on our way to bivvy under the last beech tree before the tussock and scrub takes over in the head of the Waiohine river. We had a fire, ate a kilo of mince between the three of us and finished with cheesecake and youghurt as the last light lit up Lancaster. I think Simon would have appreciated it.

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