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22 October 2005



I'm an ex-VUWTC-er (long-time tramping companions with Eric Duggan) currently in New Jersey doing a PhD. I just found your website this morning whilst fluffing around before launching into another days reading, and it's really affected me. I miss the NZ mountains/bush so intensely over here at times, it's silly. Even looking at photos triggers all these other senses - a sense of the smell, the fresh air, etc. What a great blog to have on the net!

Anyway, just a short kia ora for all of the work you and Honora have put back into the estate. These are among the many things that make those who love and live for the mountains so special. I grew up tramping with my dad in the Tararuas (I'm a Wairarapa boy), looking at maps to see about what huts or bivs I could go to next - Cow Creek, Mid Waiohine, Mcgregor biv etc - they're all places of the heart, imbued with intense memory.

Looking at the photos of Ranger biv, I love the schism with doc huts and bivs between the physical aspect - a few sheets of metal, a wooden frame - and the emotional side, where these little shelters hold and carry so much memory for people. They are cultural treasures to me, and take a bow for all those weekends spent looking after them.

Keeo blogging and thanks!

Adrian Barr

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